December 25, 2013

Christmas Unwrapped ~ Day 25

"Down in a lowly manger
Our humble Christ was born,
And God sent us salvation
that blessed Christmas morn!"

Merry Christmas!

The most powerful message about the birth of Jesus that I have read so far this month... by the great C.S. Lewis:

"In the Christian story God descends to reascend.  He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity; down further still, to recapitulate in the womb ancient and pre-human phases of life; down to the very roots and seabed of the Nature He has created.  But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world with Him.  One has the picture of a strong man stooping lower and lower to get himself underneath some great complicated burden.  He must stoop in order to lift, he must almost disappear under the load before he incredibly straightens his back and marches off with the whole mass swaying on his shoulders."

What a powerful way to look at the Christmas story, I just love it :)

I hope you are all having a fun-filled and joyous time with family and friends today!

I'm signing out for my daily blog posts now, thank you for staying tuned-in to me and my thoughts this Christmas season.

From our chairlift to yours!

(All three pics are from yesterday, Christmas Eve fun!!!)

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