May 31, 2014

"Praying for Boys" ~ End of the Month Wrap-Up

"Parenting my sons is my greatest joy and my greatest challenge.
I love them to the ends of the earth and back, 
but honestly, sometimes they suck the life out of me.

Each day I target their hearts, 
aiming high and taking my best shot, 
but so many days I fall short, 
or my aim is off.

I go to bed those nights 
physically and emotionally.

But in my weakness, 
God is strong.

Perhaps the best place for a weary mom to be 
is exhausted 
and on her knees.

With each day that passes, 
I'm more convinced I have absolutely no power 
to change the hearts of my boys.

Oh, I can change their behavior 
if I try hard enough. 

Anyone can do that.

But I know that what's 
in the heart 
eventually comes out.

I know that if their knees 
are ever to bend to 
Jesus as Savior,
their hearts must bend first.

And that's God's business.

I'm praying you'll grasp this concept so clearly 
it will bring you strength and peace
in the midst of your wildest storms."

-Brooke McGlothlin-

"The good person out of the good treasure of his heart
produces good, and the evil person out of the evil treasure
produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart
his mouth speaks."

Luke 6:45

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