Here are some pictures from earlier in July that I never got posted:
Sawyer hanging out on our back deck.
Bennett checking out our new tent for the first time, when Erik set it up in our backyard.
Sawyer took a nap while we were hanging out in the tent, Bennett loves snuggling with (a.k.a. waking up) Sawyer while he is napping!!! He really is quite gentle though, such a good big brother :)

After we got back from North Dakota last Tuesday evening, I worked Weds, Thurs, Fri and Erik was home watching the boys, then we actually had a WHOLE DAY OFF TOGETHER on Saturday!!! So we took advantage of the time and took a walk to the park.
Bennett wanted to get out to play obviously, but Mommy wanted to get a quick picture first, to show how Sawyer is sitting like a big boy in the stroller now too!!! It works out so nice because if he falls asleep sitting there, that chair in the back can be laid down flat like a bed. It is the best stroller ever!!!
The Long Term Care Unit where I work had a carnival the other day, for little kids to come play games and win prizes and treats. (The residents LOVE little kids!!!) We were planning on getting there on time but Bennett ended up taking a 4 1/2 hour nap that day, he didn't wake up until 6:15 and the carnival was over at 7, but we made it there right at the tail end, and Bennett got some treats and got to try cotton candy for the first time! Here is a cute picture of Sawyer with two of the nursing assistants I work with, Nina (on the left) and Mariann (on the right). They are cousins :)
The good thing is, if Sawyer ever goes missing, we'll know exactly where to find him... with these two girls!
They love Bennett and Sawyer so much :) :) :)
A SUPER cute outfit that a nice lady from church gave to Sawyer on Sunday!!!
My goodness, he is getting so big so fast...... he is sitting up on his own now too! Will get some pictures of that and get them posted soon :)