December 31, 2015

"Praying for Boys" ~ End of the Month Wrap-Up

"In our home, we say we're sorry if the result of our behavior was an accident.  When my oldest son knocks my youngest on the floor trying to get to Daddy when he gets home, he can be sorry because it was an accident.

The need for forgiveness occurs when a child (or an adult, for that matter) has deliberately sinned against another.

When little Johnny hits his younger brother out of anger because younger brother won't share, he has sinned.  When little brother steals little Johnny's toy right from his hands, he has sinned.

(Please notice: I said 'steal.'  It's important to think of our children's behaviors--and our own--in terms of biblical language.  Stealing is breaking one of the Ten Commandments and produces a little sinner in need of salvation.  Using biblical lingo helps keep the Bible relevant and helps us to see our sin in its true light.)

It is sin to choose one's own desire in spite of the way it affects or hurts someone else, and sin requires repentance, forgiveness, and restoration.  Maybe it sounds a little like this: 'Big brother, will you forgive me for hitting you? I was choosing to care more about that toy than I was your feelings or safety.'

Often it's the simplest distinctions that have a profound effect on the way we understand the world.  Asking for forgiveness is humbling because we have to admit a wrongdoing and take responsibility for the sin in our hearts.

What a beautiful lesson for the men we're raising to learn.

Let's help them know how, when, and why to ask for forgiveness, and pray God develops repentant hearts and spirits within them."

-Brooke McGlothlin-

" So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, 
if you do not forgive your brother from your heart."

Matthew 18:35

December 15, 2015

"Praying for Boys": Mid-Month Discussion Question from Brooke McGlothlin

"Many studies show that withholding forgiveness affects us not only spiritually but also physically.  Has forgiveness been a stumbling block in your life?"


"What is your understanding of forgiveness?
Have you tried to teach your children the difference between asking for forgiveness and offering an apology?"

December 1, 2015

"Praying for Boys" ~ Month 20/21

"And Peter said to them,
'Repent and be baptized every one of you
in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins,
and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit'."
Acts 2:38