April 30, 2015

"Praying for Boys" ~ End of the Month Wrap-Up

"As Christians,
we (and our sons)
will battle to grab 
in a world that
doesn't have enough of it.

Prayer connects us to the heart of God-
taking our minds off of us
and placing our attention on Him.

Prayer is the BEST way to find peace
and overcome the fears of this world.

Plus, this concept is so easy
to teach to our sons.

Training can start at a young age.
But no matter how old your son is,
when he expresses fear,
immediately pray over him and let him know
that fear is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7).

Then, when you're confronting your son,
ask him who he'd like to pray for.
When you're done, pray for someone else,
and then someone else.

Train your son to focus his mind
away from himself and his own fear
and onto the needs of others.

It took me more than thirty years
to realize this truth-
that it is indeed more blessed
(and more peaceful)
to give than to receive (Acts 20:35),
and that by thinking and praying for others first,
I lose sight of my own troubles 
and find my heart and mind truly at peace.

Your son doesn't have to wait."

-Brooke McGlothlin-

"How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace,
who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation."

Isaiah 52:7

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